Sind Sie über 18?

Wir setzen uns für einen verantwortungsvollen Genuss im Umgang mit Alkohol ein. Da Sie in unserem Online-Shop alkoholische Getränke kaufen können, bitten wir Sie zunächst zu bestätigen, dass Sie mindestens 18 Jahre alt sind.

Pomegranate liqueur

Pomegranate liqueur


The pomegranate has been a symbol of fertility, love and life for thousands of years. Good reasons to refine our premium raisin brandy with the fine taste of pomegranate.
For thousands of years, the pomegranate has been a symbol of dominion, power, love and fertility. Good reasons to refine our raisin brandy with pomegranate.

Handcrafted in Germany

Our liqueurs are produced in Germany in a small distillery. Our master distillers are experienced specialists in their craft and ensure the highest quality in terms of both appearance and taste.
Handcrafted in Germany
Our liqueurs are produced in Germany in a small distillery. Our master distillers are experienced specialists in their craft and ensure the highest quality in terms of both appearance and taste.
A successful party needs a good atmosphere. With the right drink for the reception, you can't lay a better foundation for a lively party. We recommend our long drink 'XERXES'.
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